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Preschool/Elementary Programs


Jump into the Jammy Dance

Pre-K to Grade 2


Rebecca loves jammy dancing! She'll invite students to join in a pajama line dance, rubber ducky relays, a teddy bear toss, and a reading (or singing) of Jammy Dance! This interactive program encourages students to explore rhyme and rhythm in stories and music.



Happy Campers

Pre-K to Grade 2


Students will gather around a tissue paper campfire for story time and a sing-along, with a pink ukulele! Rebecca will introduce little students to big terms – setting, character, plot, conflict, and onomatopoeia – and she'll invite students to explore the differences between imagination and reality. Stories featured are Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse and Nellie Sue, Happy Camper. Optional crafts include grocery bag western vests or Kleenex box ukuleles.



Dream Big!

Pre-K to Grade 2


Nellie Sue has an imagination the size of Texas! Do you? During this interactive session, students will learn about writing stories and making dreams come true! Rebecca will encourage participants to lasso their dreams, and she'll share how her dream of becoming an author came true. Concepts covered include: author/illustrator, fiction/nonfiction, characters, setting, plot, conflict and more. Rebecca will read Every Cowgirl Needs Dancing Boots and/or Every Cowgirl Needs a Blue Ribbon.


Every Cowpoke Needs a Plan

Grade 3 to Grade 5


In this plot workshop, students brainstorm their own story ideas and complete a story-starter guide that covers character, setting, plot, conflict, and story arc. Teachers may continue this activity in later classes, giving students opportunities to complete story drafts, edit, and even publish their stories! This workshop includes a reading of Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse.


Don't Have a Cow!

Grade 3 to Grade 5


In this character workshop, students draw themselves as cow caricatures by recognizing their unique traits. Then, students create new characters using a guide that helps them consider everything from personality to physical characteristics. This program begins with a reading of Every Cowgirl Goes to School.



Get Back in the Saddle: Writing Lessons from the Trails

Grade 3 to Grade 5


In this peer-editing workshop, students will learn about giving and receiving feedback, exchange stories-in-progress to receive guided feedback from peers, and begin the work of revising their projects. Rebecca will also offer a window into the editorial process at traditional publishing houses. This workshop includes an optional reading of Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse or Every Cowgirl Goes to School.  



Middle School/High School Programs


Lasso Your Dreams


In this interactive session, Rebecca shares her personal journey from dreamer to published author. Topics include: tips on keeping a journal, a peek into the world of publishing, a brief overview of careers for writers and illustrators, a look at rough drafts and first sketches and how a story evolves.



Every Writer Needs a Story


In this session on the writing craft, students will read several award-winning picture books, review elements of story, and begin writing stories of their own. Topics include: character, setting, plot, story arc, conflict, sensory language, point of view, and more.



The Writing Posse


If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to polish a manuscript as well. In this session, Rebecca will describe the editorial process and share what works and what doesn't in critique groups and peer editing workshops. Students will have the opportunity to share works-in-progress with peers for guided feedback and begin the revision process.



College/Adult Workshops


Any of the above middle school/high school programs can easily be expanded to longer, more in-depth workshops and tailored to an adult audience. Or, participants may choose from the programs listed below:



Elevator Pitches, Going Up!


In this extended workshop, participants will learn how to write a pitch – a one-sentence story synopsis – for their works-in-progress. After they've written pitches of their own, they will have the chance to “pitch” their stories to peers in a speed-dating type of environment. Participants will vote on winners to receive prizes.



Every Cowgirl Goes to School


In this extended workshop, participants will learn tips for successful school and library visits. They will learn how to tailor their presentations to large and small groups of varying ages and interests. They will also have a chance to craft five minute “mini-sessions” to share with other participants.


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